Visit the dashboard to see a quick overview of your water usage
When you first login to the Flume app, you will be taken to your dashboard. It looks like this:

On this page, you can see:
- How much water you used today
- Whether water is running or not
- Your actual water usage compared to your budget(s)
- How much water you used in the last 24 hours
Today’s water usage
In this section, you can quickly see how much water you have used today. You can also see how today’s water usage compares to your rolling 10-day average. This icon will be green if you are using less than your average usage, and it will be red if you are using more.
Water Status
The water status icon shows whether water is running or not. However, be aware that this information is delayed up to 1 minute, and does not reflect what is happening in real-time. Also, you must refresh the page in order for this water status indicator to update. To refresh the page, simply pull the page down to refresh.
If you have setup any budgets, they will be displayed in this section. If you have setup more than one budget, you will only see the first budget displayed on the dashboard. To access your other budgets, simply swipe left or right. In the example above, note that there are two dots displayed under the graph. Those dots imply that there are two budgets. To access the second budget, swipe left. To get back to the first, swipe right. To add or edit budgets, simply click on the three vertical dots to access the budgets menu. For more on budgets, click here.
Last 24hr Usage
To quickly see how much water you have used in the last 24 hours, scroll down to the bottom of your dashboard to see this:

You can move the graph left and right by simply holding and dragging it. By default, the graph shows you your usage broken down by the hour. If you tap the graph, it will show you your usage broken down by the minute. Click here to see how you can access a more detailed view of your water usage data,